
Industria Chimica Valenzana ICV - Acido Tartarico - Europe approved

Natural Tartaric Acid produced by ICV is recognized as completely natural and safe for Human

Tartaric acid is present in the list of food additives established by the European Union with the code E334, the use of which is regulated by Italian law and by Community Regulations (Ministerial Decree n. 209 of 27/2/96, EC Reg. n. 1333/2008, EC Regulation No. 231/2012 and Delegated Regulation 2019/934).

Natural Tartaric Acid produced by ICV is recognized as completely natural and safe for Human consumption and it is a permitted food additive by the EU laws; Food and Drugs Administration classifies our product as GRAS (Generally recognized as Safe), moreover it is recognized as completely safe from FAO/WHO.

It is important to know that it exists the same acid as Tartaric but extracted through a process of synthesis from oil’s derivates, which is recently produced in China.

This Synthetic Tartaric Acid is not natural at all and there are no official studies that can guarantee its safety for human consumption.